Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Instagram...You're Killing Me.

I'm completely joking, of course. I LOVE Instagram. L.O.V.E.
My phone, however, does not.
Probably because I have a mean nasty phone that doesn't like anything except making weird random noises in the middle of the night...for no apparent reason other than to irritate me. Well played phone. Well played.
I am sure the fact that I recently threw tossed chucked heaved  fumbled dropped said phone into a massive swimming pool (completely by accident...yeah, let's go with that. ACCIDENT) doesn't bear any fault. Coincidence that I was attempting to capture a photo for Instagram when this incident occurred? I think not.
So...I am fairly new at this whole Instagram thing. And my phone is (as previously discussed) slow and cantankerous and snarky and ill tempered....so we do what we can! But OH!...the things you can do! It's a learning process all around....and so I just keep on a learnin'!
Here's what I have figured out that Instagram is used for...at least by me....
ROADTRIPPIN'!!!!: Boredom, Entertainment, Tracking, oh...and boredom:

RANDOMNESS!!!!: Cause sometimes you just see something random. Thank God for camera phones!:

SUSIE HOMEMAKIN' CRAFT CLUB!!!!: Who knew I had it in me? Just in case I needed proof:

MY BITCHES!!!!: Don't be a hater..be a potater!!

FAMILY!!!! The ultimate in why you need to document everything. Just in case the authorities need to know where the kids hid your body! I'm totally kidding (yeah kidding...totally...maybe....slightly fibbing....downright scared it could be true....):

See all those people? I LURVE them!!!!! They are what makes me tick. And not in a tourettes seizure kinda way. The good way. And they know it. Or they better.
So there's my Instagram love of the day. If you are on the dumb thing (and by dumb I mean totally freaking awesome!)...give me a holler! We can be Insty Pals. It's like Pen Pals....but cooler. Like us.
Later 'Taters!!



  1. You crack me up, and I LOVE YOU! Glad to know that I am part of what makes you "tick", are you sure it's not in a tourettes sort of way? LOL Are you sure I don't make you twitch with all my "needy" moments? LOL Super sad that you are gone from me, super sad that we can't have "Susie Homemakin' Craft Club", super sad that we can't go roadtrippin' together, super sad that you are lonely in Cornville. Yea, just super sad that my BESTIE is 5 gazillion miles away!

    Imma need your "STUPID PHONE" to get with the program and keep up, because I need you to keep instagrammin' so that I can "track" you DAILY! lol

    I LOVE YOU BESTIE! Thanks for being a part of me! xoxo

  2. Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick.....BOOM, that's where this is going. I know where you are heading. It's ok, just make a countdown calendar. You shall be POTATIN' soon! We will Instagram and Photo extravaganza and shop and LAUGH and be BITCHES!

    I love you forever. I'm always around for ya. Not to mention, ALWAYS ready to document life.
