Sunday, November 4, 2012


Isn't it funny, the twists and turns we find on the road of life? Love and loss..happiness and sadness..plenty and want. Seems as if waiting around the bend is another obstacle, another hill, another chasm, another need....something to distract us from where we are going....or worse yet...who we are.
We could spend our whole lives moving from challenge to challenge...placing blame and deflecting change...OR we could rise above it and realize that the challenges in front of us are opportunities to become something greater. We can change where we are, who we are, what we want, where we are going. We can develop, we can grow, we can strive, we can learn. We can move beyond the ugly and the regret and the want and the what if. We can BE...and HAVE...and DO. We can take all the things that bog us down, chuck it aside, and soar. AND NO ONE HAS TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
Because your path is different than mine....and we are walking in different woods. So, stop focusing on WHERE the path is heading....or, God forbid, where it's been....and just stop following it. Start making your own. Or, if it's really brambly and overgrown (like mine has been)...start taking to the skies. Because a cloudy sky is still a better path than a dirt road.

Hoping your skies are blue and clear...and that you always have room to soar.

Later Taters!


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