Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let's Talk...

Hello and Welcome to the New Year! It has taken me until now to figure out exactly what I wanted to say to you here in this cyber corner. Plus, I've just been really busy. And really cold.

As we enter a new and exciting year, full of promise and reward, there are so many things that we leave behind. 2013 was less than epic for me. Sure, it had amazing moments..but, I leave it with hope and regret. I have hope that 2014 will be an opportunity for change, for more, for better. And I have regret that 2013 did not live up to my expectations, that people I care about suffered immense pain, and that some of that may have been inflicted by me.

That was NOT the legacy I intended to leave behind.
So, let's talk.

Let's talk about resolutions.  Normally, I don't make them. But, this year is different. I'm making them for change the things I dislike, to begin holding myself accountable, to recognize the mistakes and celebrate the victories.

I resolve:
To Be: Kinder - to examine the things I do, and proceed with love.
           Quieter - to examine the things I say, and respond only with love.
           Present - to BE where I am, to enjoy who I'm with, and to live in the now.
           Engaged - to fully belong to the moments that surround me.
           Active - to better myself and my health.
           Gentler - to respect those I love. Not gentler in action...but in word and tone.
           Generous - to shower those important to me with love, affection, and time.
           Patient - to others and to my own heart. The journey takes time, slow down, enjoy, and learn.
           Decisive - to do and say what I mean, to take back the control, and to accept circumstances.

Let's talk about change. This year, my life changes. I am going back to school. I am going to read more and Internet less. I am going to reconnect with people and spend less time alone. I am going to fill our home with love, resources, and baking, cooking, canning, loving, and hugging. I am hugging everyone. I am going to write more and worry less. I am going to let go. I am going to renew my faith, my spirit, and my desires. I am going to succeed. And, most importantly, I am going to survive.

And, finally, let's talk about blogging. And planners. I received a BEAUTIFUL planner from my sweet husband...even though he is convinced that "planning" is a job for my tablet. That said, you will find a very different blog from here on out. I am opening up the pages of my planner to dear readers. Each week, on Monday, I put a quote in the pages. Something to reflect the journey for the week, something to remind me what I am trying to accomplish, something that speaks to my heart. And each week, on Sunday, I leave a word. A little on that: for the last few years I have chosen one word to define the year. (You can look this up, it varies of course, but I use the One Little Word idea.) Last year, my word was Lovely. And while 2013 certainly had lovely hardly defined my year as a whole. So, this year, because I couldn't decide on just one word (already failing in that decisive resolution.)...I am using one a week. Some have scripture associated with them. Some a quote. Some are just an ideal..a thought..a goal. Whatever the case...each week I will share with you that word...and what it means moving forward.

What this means for the blog...I hope to use the blog as a tool this year. To bring me closer to all of you, to provide you with a look into my life, my art, and my soul. I hope to maintain my resolutions here...and allow all of you to hold me to a higher standard and expectation. I hope to share my journey...and I hope to follow yours. And mostly, I hope to express less anger, less toxicity, less pain...and more love. I hope to move on and let go...and I hope to do it successfully.

So let's begin...shall we?
Monday, December 30, 2013: Note To Self: Before going to sleep at night FORGIVE everyone and sleep with a clean heart.
Sunday, January 5, 2014: JOURNEY: Perhaps I will stay with you for awhile, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey. 1 Corinthians 16:6
Monday, January 6, 2014: Note To Self: (Listen)3 Thrice, (Think)2 Twice, (Speak)1 Once.
Sunday, January 12, 2014: GROW: And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

I'm ready to take on 2014 with a clean heart, a quieter mind, and a healthier soul. And, as always, I am ever so thankful to have you tagging along. And, in case you were interested, my Soul Scripture for this year is Ephesians 5:2..Walk in love. That's the goal.

So there you have it. Thanks for trudging through that ridiculously long post.

See you very soon, I hope.


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