Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Learned It...

Life gives us all lessons...some big, some seemingly insignificant, some downright cruel, some just cosmically hilarious. But we learn..or we SHOULD. I certainly have. And sometimes the lessons come all at once and smack you right in the face..for example:
Number One:
I learned that Mother Nature is a meanie. A little history...I grew up in the Midwest. I am all akin to tornadoes and brutal snowstorms and maybe some occasional hail. I didn't say I liked it. So I moved. Today I live on the East Coast. I love it here. I love the beach, and the salt water, and the sunshine, and the temperate climate. Now, I understand that I can experience all of this on the left coast..but..well...they have Earthquakes. OH WAIT... earthshake. my little peaceful Queendom. WHAT? Don't was just a little rocking and rolling...but it was unsettling anyway. The dogs and I weathered it just fine..once we recovered from the shock of it all. So weird.
So..back to Mother Nature. It's been flaming like Hell hot here. I don't DO hot. Much like I don't DO cold. Mid 60s all year would suit me just fine. Meanie Mother Nature needs to crank up the fan a little. Or something. So let's review...we have tropical heat wave, earthquakes, forest/swamp fires that are smoking me out of my house....OH...and now we have a Hurricane!! Yeah...remind me again why I live here in Sim City?!
I have to be totally honest here. I've lived here awhile. I've heard rumors and tongue waggling about hurricanes in the past. I even survived the Nor'easter that blew through here a couple seasons ago. But an actual hurricane scares the beejeezes out of me. I'm hoping for an evacuation...I could use a vacation! Me and the dogs got a PLAN! The Lessons....I am not a big fan of weird natural phenomenon.....I'm a big pussy scardey cat...and in the event of a Zombie attack, I will be the first to die.
Number Two:
The saying that you can't go's a lie! I just spent a glorious weekend in my hometown. More history..darling boyfriend and I grew up in the same town. We lived one block away from each other. He was my best friend in high school. I was his first love. I might be making that last part up. Anywho...we went home for his "so many years" high school reunion. As it turns out..because we were such good friends in high school, I actually am friends with many of his classmates. (Side note..HUGE thanks to the Such and Such High School Class of Something Something One for adopting me as an honorary member!!) In our hometown, reunions are held during the town festival weekend...commonly referred to as Jubilee Days. EVERYONE comes home for Jubilee Days. Even if you aren't officially celebrating a reunion are likely to run into half your graduating class just strolling through town! It's a wonderful time of parades, flea markets, lemon shake ups, and late night partying. Small Midwestern Happenings!
We had so much fun and enjoyed ourselves so thoroughly that we are...drum roll please..actually considering *GASP* moving back to the little rinky dink hometown. Now we both swore we would never live there again....maybe it's the nostalgia, maybe it's the friends we left behind, maybe it's just the cheap bar tab receipt staring at me...but it's on the table. I guess we will see. The Lesson...Home is wherever you put down roots, wherever you laugh the most, and wherever the people you love are located.
Blah Blah Blah. I'm done. For now. Unless the Zombies attack tonight. Or there's a meteor shower. Or a Tsunami. Dammit...I'm so screwed.


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