Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back To Normal..

Man...I have the best readers (and friends) EVA! So happy to know that not only are all y'all reading me..but you be worrying about me as well! I have gotten more emails asking where the hell I've been..bet you never thought you would miss my sass mouth so much?!! So anyways...a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to all of you.
As fate would have it...I've just been really busy lately. WHO KNEW? Let's see...hurricane, family, end of summer, back to school. OH...and another power play of manipulation from Psycho Drama Queen. Reality just gets better and better! Let's hope and pray that this battle round marks the beginning of the end. That would be so nice....normal, quiet, easy, and NICE. Yay for nice!
The return to normalcy (also known as 'Get your ass back to school'!), unfortunately does little to free up my schedule. There is still so much going on...I am hoping to block out a good chunk of evening hours for blogging and reading. Or bitching. Or something. Anything. As long as it's fun. I already have tomorrow nights dinner prepped..I should get bonus points for that! My momma is here for the week...and we have some projects on the brain. Should be a good use of my time tomorrow. You know since I really don't want to clean the house. Or give the puppies a flea bath. Or do anything else remotely productive. So yeah..we will probably project all day.
If my feeble body cooperates, I MIGHT even leave the house! But I wouldn't hold your breath or anything.


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