Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Begin at the beginning...

That sounds easy enough...the beginning. And what beginning do you choose?...the beginning of your life, the beginning of your story, the beginning of your past? Seems like all those beginnings should converge and become an ending...but alas. Not for this...not yet. So I will attempt to tell my story, broken paragraphs, run-on sentences, and unfinished chapters included. This is my manuscript...and you, dear reader, are my editor.
I don't rightly know what parts of my chaotic world are interesting to the outside...but from in here? SHEW! A girl could use a break! It has been brought to my attention recently that I tend to be too negative, that I am only hurting myself. Probably. I have been very angry for awhile now, I have been hurt, I have been neglected, I have been bruised, battered and broken. It's time to let all that go!!! So, in the interest of learning how to close that to move beyond what I have always known and accepted, how to become the person that I hold myself to be......I am moving on. I have decided that this blog is dedicated to a simpler life, a better life, and a calmer life. I will learn from it, I will use it to teach others, I will grow and blossom from the knowledge that I am not defined by what I what I hear...or by what I am withheld. I am greater than the sum of my obstacles. That is the beginning that I am focusing on.....
So...beloved readers...this blog will be my progress report. I will fill it with things that make me happy, lessons I have learned, people that I love, stories that beg to be shared and cherished. I will give you whatever lies in my heart...whatever peace finds me...whatever joys have blessed my days.
It will be an uphill journey...there will be tears and triumphs. I will celebrate every victory, every kindness, every moment...I will endure, I will survive, I will love. This is where I begin to LIVE.......

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