Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Forthcoming Book Reviews...

I am hard at work on a book review post. I have been a crazy voracious reader lately. And because I have read a mountain of books...the actual reviews may take awhile to compile. And I am super keep your knickers on and unbunched!
Oh...and I am also crazy interested in doing a blog know...all those stupid wicked good blogs that keep me entertained? So...heads up...if you write better get busy updating it. This is your only warning before I blast it out into cyberspace! Show the bloggy some LOVE!!!
In the meantime....
I've been seeing a plethora of physicians (in every field imaginable)...not alot of news on that. We have made a major decision to move the whole fam damily out of busy packing, purging, processing, preparing, and planning. (And looking for a new house, and cleaning the old house...relocating is HARD.) OH..and I'm pretty sure that the boy puppy has knocked up the little girl puppy. WONDERFUL.
So here we are...proverbial plates full. Heading into the end of the school year and summer. Woo Hoo for Summer!!! Pretty sure that in between writing an immensely entertaining blog, paying to keep the medical field running, hauling household shit across the country and helping birth a litter of mini ass will be firmly planted in the sand, my feet will be dangling in the surf, my hands will be clutching an ice cold beer, and my nose will be buried in a book!
You coming?!


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