Sunday, April 3, 2011

One wish...

The list of things that I need, want and/or desire is extensive. To name a few...I want financial freedom (as in I want to win the lottery). I want a stable, loving, honest relationship. I want a cute house with a picket fence (preferrably paid someone else). I want a studio filled with adoring (read paying) customers. I want a good solid nights sleep. I want relief from the constant pain that I suffer. I want world peace....and lower gas prices. I want her to go away...forever. I want my cute puppy to stop barking at stupid shit. I want a walk in closet full of shoes (wait...almost there). Most of the time I want people to just leave me alone.
But do you know what I want more than anything else in the entire universe? A bathroom with a door and a fucking lock. Think bank vault secure. Seriously. That way, I can take a piss...alone...without the entire household descending upon me. Hell, even the dog has to come in and lay across my feet. Really? I can be in the house with them all day...and no one speaks to me or acknowledges my existence...but Jesus...the minute that my bladder asks for a little millisecond of time....all holy hell breaks loose. All of a sudden everyone has a gazillion and four questions...that have to be answered rightnowhurryupineedtoknow.....or matters of mass importance arise....or plans for dinner have to be finalized. I WANT 10 SECONDS....10 FUCKING SECONDS. No one is going to get infected with stupid or starve to death or push the button starting an atomic war in the time that it takes me to dribble some pee. I promise. But I bet if I went in there and started yakking...not a single soul would need me then. In fact..I bet my house would turn into a damn ghost town. With tumbleweeds.
See? I'm a simple girl....just one bathroom door. And ten seconds. OK...Maybe a minute. One minute...alone...that's all. I swear I will get back to spinning the world as soon as I am done. And take the dog with you when you leave.

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