Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday Night/Fight Night...

Seems to be a pattern here at Chez Haven. Once a week there's a fight. Then it takes one of us (let's be's me) 3 or 4 days to get over it. It's becoming tiresome, old, dated, stupid, useless, pointless....need I go on?
And just so everyone is clear...Wednesday night is "call night". The night that he is supposed to call the children. It started on Sundays (Fight Night Part 1)...but as she was unable to have the children available at discussed mapped out agreed upon designated time, she requested a move to mid-week. (She didn't even request...she TOLD.) See...our schedules, our plans, our very lives revolve around her. And her whims. And her wants. Always have, always will. So the fight tonight begins....he calls, they aren't home (as usual), he's pissed, he takes it out on me. No leaving a 'What the Fuck Bitch?' message for at me because she is incapable of playing by the rules. HER rules.
Because this is my fault. It's MY fault his wife is a bitch. It's MY fault that she insists on making everything difficult. It's MY fault that she cheated and they aren't together. It's MY fault that he doesn't see his children..and is relegated to one phone call a week. It's MY fault that he allows her to carry his balls around in her cute little Vera Bradley purse (of which I am sure we paid for.). ALL MY FAULT. Not his fault that he married her, not his fault that he stayed for years after she began sleeping with everyone else, not his fault that he has created the relationship that they have today.
He never defends himself, he never defends me, and he never defends us. And he never will. He will yell at me...he will tell me how pissed he is...but will he tell HER? Better yet, will he tell his LAWYER? (you know...the person he pays heaping sums of money to?) Nope. Instead he will let it go, and she will continue to behave this way...because he is giving her permission. "Oh's OK...whatever is best for YOU Dear...I wouldn't want to cause you any hardship or inconvenience. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me and fuck me over next week too. need more money? Here.." (I think you all get the idea.)
And as I listen to his side of the phone conversation and the tone in his voice with her..(finally on the phone with them 51 minutes late)..I can see that tonight will be another long night of screaming and crying and 'forget-it-fuck-you's'....
I am so over it.

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