Monday, March 28, 2011

Rant In Progress...

*Due to my excessive and overabundant usage of all the naughty words in the English language, this post is rated B for Bitch.*

Be prepared, dear grasshoppers...I am breaking blogging rules 2 and 4. I might even type in all caps and bold all my words...just to make sure this sinks in. REALLY. WELL.
A little info about me. If I tell you that I am learning to be more peaceful and can bet I am. If I tell you that I will pray for can bet I do. And if I tell you that you are living your life in a way that creates chaos and makes people want to kick your skanky can damn sure bet it's got an ounce of truth behind it (even if it is only my humble, over educated, observant, don't give a fuck about your feelings opinion.). Because that's how I roll. I don't lie. I don't steal. I don't cheat. And other people probably feel the same way I do..they just don't say it out loud or to your face. But I am not afraid of aren't scary.
If you actually read my blog, you will find alot of my own thoughts, observations, and opinions. Not once have I claimed to have all the answers. Not once do I profess perfection. I don't and I'm not. I do not expect it of others. We all have demons and skeletons in the closet. That is human fucking nature. Some are worse than others, yes....but most people accept them and move on. What they don't do is spend their whole lives blaming everyone else for why they are fucked up.
This is what I expect of GROW THE FUCK UP. This isn't High School people. So your marriage didn't work out (whether its husband one, two, five, or twenty)...stop feeling sorry for yourself. And really....take some responsibility for it. My husband was an asshole...but maybe if I hadn't been a bitch we could have lived happily ever after. Maybe not. Maybe he doesn't love you happens. Maybe he got tired of sharing your nasty pussy with everyone on the block...that happens too. So you have too. And yes..parenthood is hard. Single parenting sucks. I get it. I also get that when times are hard financially...I need a job. So I fucking get one....yes it cuts into my sleep schedule. Yes I can't have as much fun. Yes I can no longer play Martha Stewart Suzi Homemaker...oh. fucking. well. My bills get paid, my child can eat, and I am a successful adult. (and I provide without child support, or alimony, or joint tax returns...and my kid is smart, polite, and well I must be doing something right huh?) The point that I am making here is that bad shit happens to blows. Suck it up...and move on.
I blog is a direct result of personal requests from family and friends for me to write again. Because I am good at it. Because I enjoy it. Because writing makes me happy. And because I deal with stupid fucking shit all fucking day..I have alot to say. And while I apologize that you may have been offended...this isn't about you. So shut the fuck up. (Oh...I'm sorry...did I hurt your precious feelings?)
THIS IS MY BLOG....therefore I am free to think, speak, write, preach, delete, edit, and otherwise own anything I want. (The First Amendment at work!) You don't have to love it. You don't have to agree with it. You don't have to understand it. You don't have to relate to it (although it probably IS about you). Hell...I don't even care if you fucking READ it. I'm not here to make friends. I'm not here to impress anyone, or be politically correct. This is who I am...frequently hilarious, occasionally wise and otherwise entertaining. Non perfect, uncaring, and bitchy. I certainly don't care what you think of me...whether you like me....or whether you want to smash my face with a hammer. Just so you know.
So I swear like a sailor. So I drink like a fish. So I am impatient, inappropriate, and illogical. It's all part of being a flawed, imperfect sinner. I pray. I repent. I attend church. That's between me and the God that I worship. I don't ask you to come along. I don't force my religion on you. I don't ask yours. If you believe...that's great. If you don't...that's fine too. Whatever gets you to the flip side of your choosing. And while I believe in faith...I am also a firm believer in Karma. You get what you give. Good or or poor...Karma is equal opportunity. And she's a nasty bitch. So you will find here in the confines of the blog my is neither hypocrisy or prophesy.
So here's what it all boils down close attention:
If you don't like what I have to say...if you think I am anything less than authentic...then MOVE THE FUCK ON. Nobody invited you anyway.

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