Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You know you're a douchebag when...

There are alot of things that piss me off. I'm a bitch so I spend alot of time there. Pissed off and I are really good friends. But you know what REALLY irritates me? Stupid people who turn out to be inconsiderate assholes. Be prepared readers...I am about to go off on a rant.
It all started with the Spring cleaning. I had a shit ton of stuff to go to the dump (or some other unknown unseen region of the world...I don't really care where it goes...as long as it goes.)...lucky for me I live in a town that will pick your shit up for you. So I followed all the rules, I filled out all the forms, I scheduled my pickup, and then I busted my ass getting the shit to the curb. (And by shit I mean: one old washing machine, a functional but outdated TV that was heavy and awkward, a ferret cage, and a set of drawers.) Now, I get that they are trash and that I don't want them anymore...and by all means if you want to be a loser and take my shit help yourself...and I don't care what you do with it....BUT....if you tip the TV over and take out the parts that you want (the parts that will make you some cash for your heroin habit), and in the process you break the glass on the front....you DAMN WELL BETTER NOT LEAVE THAT ON MY FUCKING DRIVEWAY. Because now I have to go out to the curb and pick up broken slivers of glass...with my bare hands....in the dark. Before my kid or my dog or I step on some idiot infested shard of stupid. Or it punctures my tire. Or whatever. Oh...and I have to move all the shit that you left...and piled up on top of my trash can. BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO FUCKING INCONSIDERATE TO DO IT YOURSELF. Because you are a douchebag asshole. So thank you...Mr. Piece-of-shit-Blazer-ghetto-music-blaring-speeding-through-my-neighborhood...for making me work to fix your dumbfuckery, for creating the homicidal mood I am now in, and for proving..once again..that a good kick in the face is always called for.
OK....that is all. I'm over it now.

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