Monday, January 24, 2011


So tonight...still with the headache...I am going to continue last nights post. Last evening we discussed to surrender to what is presently happening and accept what life is offering. Tonight we learn that acceptance is only the first step. Acceptance must be followed by blessings....after we accept our present circumstances, no matter what they are..good or bad, we must learn to bless them. Right. Bless misery and anger and defeat? I will do it through gritted teeth...kicking and screaming.
Usually I don't know why something has occurred until there is enough distance to take a backward glance. You know...hindsight being 20/20 and all that. However, maybe blessing whatever vexes me is the spiritual surrender that can change my troublesome situations for the better. Maybe..just maybe...blessing the circumstances that surround me will teach me how to trust. I am sick and tired of learning lifes lessons through pain and struggle, perhaps blessing my difficulties will show me a better way.
Stella Terrill Mann, a Unity minister who wrote during the 1940's, encourages us to greet the morning with the affirmation "Blessed be the morn for me and mine." At noon, declare "Blessed be the day for me and mine." And in the evening, invoke this prayer "Blessed be the night for me and mine." She claims that these affirmations welcoming good will bring blessings into our lives. Can't hurt, right?
Today, I start to count my blessings. I am making a spiritual inventory. So much good happens to me, but in the rush and stress of daily life I fail to even notice, let alone acknowledge it. I am hoping that writing it down will focus my attention on the abundance already within my grasp and therefore will make it real. I am challenging all of you to do the same. And when we notice the circumstances...the joys and the burdens...we start blessing. Bless everything!! There will be a test on this later.

...Philippians 4:12-13 In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled...I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Tonight I pray for inventory. I pray for blessings. I pray for renewed spirit, refreshed vision, and restored joy. I pray for release...from the terrible headache that I am suffering. I pray for those I love. I pray for those I love less...I pray for her.
Goodnight and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweetness, as always Love the post! :) I keep a "Thankful Journal" and every night before bed I write all the things that I can think of that I was thankful for that day. Sometimes it is a long list, sometimes not so much and sometimes it is "I'm thankful the day is over". But it really brings to the forefront the abundance in my life. Love you lots and miss you more.....
