Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cute Puppy...AKA Squirrel Killer...

My sweet precious puppy has become a mean, terrifying, ruthless killer. Well...a maimer at least. I put him out into the backyard. I hear him barking and growling...not exactly unusual behavior..but annoying anyway. Then, much to my dismay, I see that he has wounded and trapped a poor helpless rabies carrier squirrel in the corner. And because I have now seen his prey....he must put on a show. Grab the squirrel, bang it against the ground, throw it against the fence...oh and let's bark at it a little more. I am aghast! My sweet baby weenie...what has gotten into you? So now the squirrel is wounded and probably mostly I move it (or rather I have the man move it...)to the other side of the fence...out of harms way...for now. (or until one of my vicious cats finds it...damn cats.)
And as if that wasn't enough excitement....she has played her cards. Filing in another state and claiming adultery...I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I backed off when he asked me to wait it out, I prayed for her healing.....and once again, I am hurting and angry. (Read carefully...this part is for you honey...) Make no mistake...I am not scared. Nor am I backing down. If a fight is what you want...that is what you will get. Your current state has nothing to do with chose your path long ago. It is time for you to accept responsibility for your actions and stop expecting others to take care of you. Grow up, be an adult, move on. But don't ask me to sit silently by while you play your game, while you boo hoo your way into his sympathies, while you play victim and mother of the year and bullied and mistreated wife. You are a cold and calculating bitch...and you will soon get everything that you deserve. Karma is coming. And you can't just not answer the door to that fact.
So I am pissed irritated inconvenienced and this has greatly affected my mojo and the sense of calm that I have been trying to achieve. I still did my readings this evening...although I don't know that I take as much away as normal. But I will share anyway...
'Have you ever looked into the mirror and not recognized the person staring back at you? Psychologists call this phenomenon a displacement of self and it usually occurs during times of great stress. But what's wrong? What is this sadness we cannot name? Turn away from the world this year and begin to listen. Listen to the whispers of your heart. Look within.' (I am learning to recognize and reconnect with my "authentic self" might be mumbo jumbo...or it might lead to healing...)...I certainly have the "times of great stress" angle covered.

.....Proverbs 3:3-4: Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man.

I pray that I can retain my kindness and my truth during times of trial. I pray that I remain steadfast and that, while I may falter, I create and cultivate peace and love and that I am continually expressing both to those around me.
There is a difficult path ahead....
Goodnight and God bless.

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