Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am still feeling sub par today...which I suppose fits in well with the theme of today's challenge. It did, however, make for a bummer of a weekend. I managed to get a lot of rest...and my very sweet husband took over a ton of my normal duties...of which I am ever so thankful. (A huge big thanks to him for cleaning the bathroom...which was on my to do list for this weekend. I hope that doesn't mean I have to have sex with him now. *cough cough* I think I am still feeling poorly....wink.)
Now that I've shared WAY too much information with you...

Favorite Comfort Food:

My mothers homemade fudge. She doesn't make it very often, so it's truly a treat when I can get it...and I remember holidays and special occasions and tins full of the chocolaty confection. It always makes me happy when I know it's around...and she bribes me home with promises of it..even now.
My husbands egg gravy. He makes it for me when I am ill, or sad, or hungover. With my weird stomach, sometimes it's the only thing I can tolerate...but he just whips up a batch and never questions it. If he's feeling exceptionally generous, he'll also make up some of his delicious Tapioca...another of my comfort foods. He's pretty good to me like that.

Don't get me wrong...I love food. There are a LOT of foods that bring me comfort and make me really happy. Foods that I turn to when I am sad, bored, sick, hurting, lonely. But some foods are just in your heart and soul....
I hope you've had a loverly weekend. This concludes the blog challenge for this month. There have been some ups and downs....I have enjoyed sharing with all of you...and I am thankful for the opportunity. Still debating on whether to attempt another challenge in July....guess you'll have to wait and see. Thanks for tagging's certainly been an interesting ride so far.

See ya on the flip flop side!


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