Saturday, June 8, 2013

Going Back In Time..

I don't know how comfortable I am with today's challenge. I mean...don't get me wrong...I've been full of awesomesauce my whole life. It oozes out of me. But...there are just some things that should remain a for example. Or at least, old pictures of me. I know we all have them...the embarrassing snapshots that you try to hide and pretend don't really exist. And get roped into a blog challenge. And there...on Day 8...your embarrassing photo for the world to see.
It's all good though. Because my photo is STELLAR. My photo is amazing. My photo is awesomesauce wrapped up in kickass tied with fuck you. Or something like that.
I am sharing with High School Senior Photo. Which, as Karma would have it, happened to have been....(ahem)..twenty years ago this month. This was back when I was full of lofty dreams and spunky goals. Back when I thought I was going to change the world and do epic shit and be famous. Back when I thought I was going to leave my itty bitty small town and travel the world and see things and do things and go places.
What a difference twenty ish years makes. While I don't think I've done all the things I set out to do...I've done shit I certainly didn't plan. I became a mom. I became a wife. I moved BACK to the itty bitty small town I was so anxious to leave...and put down roots. I traveled. I did epic shit. I became famous (in very small circles..and my own mind.). I changed lots of worlds...mostly my own. And I'm certainly not finished yet.

Old Photo Of Me:

And because I really like all of you (and hate myself a little bit...) about an old photo of my husband and I? Back when we were too stupid to tell each other how we felt and so we just pretended that being best friends was good enough. So much regret...and so thankful that we were given a second chance. Although...looking at this picture, I can totally see why he was hot for me! I was a stone-cold hottie!! OK...that might be pushing it...I had super big 90's hair and a bitchy attitude, but he loved me still...whether I deserved it or not is irrelevant. And he was all nerdy Elvis.....but oh so sweet, and would have moved the moon if I had asked him to. And I probably did. Because I was a total bitch. Or so I've been told. We were heading off to his Prom....he says we had a good time...

There you go. The rest, as they say, is history. Busy editing pictures and updating the other blog today...and then spending some time with my favorite nerds. I don't want to hear any sass talk about these pictures....I was young...and it was the 90's. And honestly...I look damn good. So....shut your mouths.

See ya on the flip flop side. That's tomorrow. No more posts today.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE you and your 90's look. The 90's rocked! Who are we kiddin'? WE DOMINATED the 90's!
