Monday, June 3, 2013

My Business..

Today's challenge is truly an informative one. I get asked this question a lot....What does it mean? Is it your initials (no)? Is it someone else's initials (no)? Is it for the camera (no..and I don't OWN that particular camera)?

Meaning Of My Business Name:

Eos Photography. Eos is the Goddess of the Dawn. She is the mother of the winds and the stars. She opens up the gates of Heaven for the Sun to rise each morning. She wears a saffron colored gown embroidered or woven with flowers and is always described with rosy fingers (an image that, as a photographer, I particularly appreciate.). She is perpetually in love, and her heartbreak causes her to cry. Her tears are considered to have created the morning dew. She is often associated with sea harbors and ports.

When I started my photography business, I was in a difficult place. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. I was questioning and second guessing myself. My husband (then boyfriend) was deployed with the Navy. I had received a devastating medical diagnosis. I was working too hard at a job I didn't love. I was constantly  defending myself, my family, and my relationship. I was exhausted. I was broken. I was lost.

Eos literally chases away the darkness and makes way for the light.
Eos guides the ships safely into the harbor.
Eos opens up the heavens and scatters the stars.
Eos is love and light and gypsy and spirit embodied.

I started photography as a hobby. Something that I had always enjoyed doing...I found that it relaxed me, provided me with an escape, and allowed me a creative (and fairly inexpensive) outlet. I never expected it to save me.
I have come to learn that I am much like Eos. Wild, tempest, passionate, bright, white hot. Each day is a gift from capture. While I may never be a morning person, or embrace the Dawn of my spirit....I can chase away my darknesses and evils, I can move the heavens for love, and I can nurture the winds of change. And, above all, I can do it each and every day.

So now you know. Eos is me. A promise. A new day. Love. Light. Change.

See you on the flip flop side.



  1. You = Eos YES. I agree 100%. Your business name is YOU. Amazing. Love. We need another photography outing. SOON. <3

    1. Agreed...very soon. It's in the planning stages, right? I miss you so much....XOX <3.
