Saturday, June 8, 2013


Yesterday I was supposed to blog about my favorite foods. Well, yesterday I decided to go do something FUN with my friend and by the time I got home...let's just say, blogging was the LAST thing I wanted to do. So I figured you wouldn't mind if I wrote it today? Was I wrong....? No, I didn't think so. My blog, my rules. Remember?
My ten favorite foods? Really? if you've ever met me, know me, talked to me, or eaten with know that food really isn't my problem. I've worked really hard to get my body in the amazing shape it's in. (That's total sarcasm people.) For somebody with such a limited diet...well let's just say, my weight doesn't seem to suffer. Just recently I found out that I am even MORE limited by what I can eat...FABULOUS. I love food. I don't like being told what I can...and can't eat. But I am doing my very best to play along, follow the rules, and do what I'm told....even if it kills me a little bit each time.
My list will be a bit different...because it can be, because it's mine, because I said so. I figured it would be easier to give you my 10 Favorite Foods in GROUPS.....always unpredictable and abnormal this one.

My 10 Favorite Foods: (In no particular order)

1. Alcohol. I love a good glass of wine or a good quality Amaretto. In fact, if it weren't for rules of etiquette and coffee, I'm pretty sure I'd start out the day that way. But, you know, society frowns on that sort of I save the spirits for social functions or nights in at home. Every night in at home....OK, every OTHER night in at home...I don't want you to think I have a PROBLEM or anything.
2. Caffeine. My other vice. This is mostly attained through multiple cups of coffee, but occasionally I appreciate a nice cold soda. Specifically Mt. Dew. It would be nice if I could hook a caffeine drip directly into my bloodstream and save me the work and added calories....but unfortunately that hasn't happened yet. So I will keep sipping away...and my coffee is happy again thanks to my eagle eyed bestie who informs me that creamer is absolutely on the approved dietary list. Thanks Louper! Keeping mornings happy.
3. Bread. This one is not working out so well. Evidently I have issues...figure the odds? So I am investigating alternative solutions (gluten-free bread, making my own, various flours and grains....)...because, let's face it...I am a carb driven gal. I run on them...I crave them...I need them to survive and be happy. YOU need them to survive and be me on this one. A carb filled Anna is a happy one., evidently a carb filled Anna is a gassy one....but maybe that's too much information?
4. Pasta. See above. But seriously....I love pasta. I love Italian food. I love heavy sauces, and garlic, and noodles! I love twisting noodles around my fork and slurping sauce into my face. Again, I know there are alternatives and options...and I am researching them....but it still makes me sad. Nothing like a good fettuccine and garlic bread to soothe the soul.
5. Cheese. Fancy cheese to be exact. My very favorite midnight snack. Cheese and crackers. ALSO something the fascist bastards are trying to take from me...but I will prevail! Cheese makes everything better....put it on all your food. Doesn't matter what it is. Trust me on this.
6. Fried. Oh...don't sit there all judgy judgy. Wipe your hands off on your fine linen napkin and give me a 'Hell Yeah'. Fried chicken, fried cheese, deep fried oreos. Hell, I even heard they were deep frying butter now. BUTTER. I don't know about THAT....but a good piece of catfish is worth the heart attack in my book.
7. Sweet. Now, I have a confession to make...I am not really a chocoholic. I mean I LIKE chocolate. It just doesn't really do much for me. Sometimes I crave a brownie, or a piece of cake..but I don't have to have it to get by. And I'm not really much for ice cream either. Now I like a good root beer float, or maybe a sundae. I love some muffins. Or a light fluffy Angel Food Cake. I can eat the hell out of some cookies. But that's about my limit. A little bit of sweet...just to round out the rest. 'Cause let's face it...I don't really need it...I'm sweet enough. (Groooaaaannnnn.)
8. Salty. (That's what she said. Terrible...but had to be done.) This is the one. The one that tries to kill me. This is the craving. Popcorn. Chips. Crackers. Pretzels. Nuts (totally CANNOT eat these....lesson learned the HARD way.). This is the craving that I can't fight...the battle that will beat me every time. I am sure that my sodium levels are scary....I probably don't want to know.
9. Meat. I love me a big juicy steak or a big thick burger. Or bacon...oh my heavens...let's not forget the bacon. BBQ with a big heaping side of coleslaw. Chicken....doesn't really matter how it's fixed. Pork Chops...on the grill with some fresh veggies. I am most definitely a carnivore...with a tiny little vegetarian on the inside.
10. Seafood. I lived on the East Coast for a good chunk of my adult life. I am spoiled. I love fresh seafood. There is nothing better than a soft shell crab sandwich or a bowl full of steamed shrimp. Unless it's more crab and shrimp. And maybe some scallops, oysters, calamari, and eel.

Dammit...writing this blog has made me hungry.
Stick around for another blog later...going back in time for that one.

See ya later.


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