Thursday, June 20, 2013

Going Forward In Time..

In light of all that is happening in my life, today's challenge is a welcome one. I get to take stock, take inventory, and make a plan! And I get to have all of you as witnesses....or accomplices...whatever the case may be!

Where I Want To Be In 10 Years:

Well, 10 years is a long time down the road...but I will do my best to give this a shot. Let's see....Small will be (hopefully) safely ensconced in a University somewhere....gracing me with her presence on weekends, holidays, and the occasional school break. She and I will bake cookies, take walks, and laugh about silly college boys. She will play chess with her dad and NOT tell him about the silly college boys. Because his head would explode.
I want to be here. Well, not in this actual physical postage stamp of a location....but in our own home, with room for everyone and a giant kitchen. And a really super nice backyard for the puppies and drinking by the fire. I'd like to walk out to the coop every morning for our eggs, wear aprons and wellies, and never see my neighbors...except during Christmas. When they're caroling on my doorstep.
I want my husband and I to finally be able to travel. He will be 50..I will be on my way. I'm ready to see the open road with him by my side, lose the map, discover each other and what makes us so amazing. And see some super awesome shit along the way. Like the World's Largest Frying Pan. Photo Op!!
I want to be healthy, happy, and peaceful. I want for the drama in my life to sit down and shut the fuck up. I want for this crazy restrictive diet I'm on to have finally worked (making me thinner AND healthier!) that I am no longer facing constant pain and struggling with myself. I want to be to sit in harmony with the earth and know what my place is in it. And I want to look cute in my clothes...even if the chickens are the only ones that see me.
I want to be a better mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister...and all the other titles I wear. I want for others to KNOW my love for them, to read my intentions, and to cherish time with much as I do them. I want for my husband and daughter to say that they were happy...because of me. Because let's admit awesomeness isn't going anywhere.
I'd like to have that degree finished up, my photography business thriving, and a book (or two!) on the shelves of the local bookstore. I'd like to have the financial freedom that comes with success...and be able to share that with those I love. I want for our lives to be so much better than they are today...and that's saying a lot, because we got it pretty fucking good.
OH...a bright cherry red Mustang in the driveway would be OK, too. Not very practical for those Midwest you better throw in something with four wheel drive, just in case. Wouldn't want to get stranded in my own backyard.

Basically...I want exactly what I have. Just a little more secure and flush with cash. And a little bit more wiggle room. Because my life is exactly what I want it to be...and I'm spending it with the people that matter the most. And in ten years time...I only expect that to get exponentially better.

See ya on the flip flop side.


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